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Laugh, play, survive: The lively world of Death by AI’s AI-driven fun

DATE POSTED:May 22, 2024
 The lively world of Death by AI’s AI-driven fun

Ever imagined being thrust into a world where every decision is a matter of life and death, where the very fabric of survival hangs in the balance? Welcome to Death by AI, a game that takes the concept of party gaming to exhilarating new heights. Spoiler alert: AI holds the reins, orchestrating a symphony of challenges that will test your skills, creativity, and camaraderie.

These kinds of games, like AI Dungeon, are personally my favorite type of AI usage in games. They’re super fun and show off how clever AI can be. Each time you play, the AI adjusts and reacts, making the game feel different every time through its new scenarios.

Death by AI can be your new drinking game; if you die, you have to drink! Sounds good? Let’s take a closer look at it, then.

What is Death by AI game?

Death by AI is like a Jackbox party game, but with a twist – the AI controls everything! You and up to 10 friends can join in on the fun, testing your skills against unpredictable challenges.

In Death by AI, you’ll face over 50 different survival scenarios, each one more exciting than the last. From tricky mazes to mind-bending puzzles, every game is a new adventure.

Explore Death by AI, where every decision counts. Test your skills in over 50 thrilling survival scenarios with up to 10 friends. Details are here!Death by AI is an exhilarating multiplayer party game that puts players’ survival skills to the test in a world controlled by artificial intelligence (Image credit)

What sets Death by AI apart is its AI, which serves as both adversary and ally. With limitless possibilities and outcomes, no two games are ever the same. The AI’s actions are shrouded in mystery, its motives inscrutable. Will it aid you in your quest for survival, or will it pull the plug without a moment’s hesitation? Choose your alliances wisely, for in the world of Death by AI, trust is a rare commodity.

How to play the Death by AI game?

Playing Death by AI is easy and fun! Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  • Visit its website or download it (iOS)
  • Click Start to create a room.
Explore Death by AI, where every decision counts. Test your skills in over 50 thrilling survival scenarios with up to 10 friends. Details are here! In this game, up to 10 players can join forces to tackle over 50 different survival scenarios, ranging from cunning puzzles to nerve-wracking challenges
  • Enter your name
  • Choose your human meat pile
Explore Death by AI, where every decision counts. Test your skills in over 50 thrilling survival scenarios with up to 10 friends. Details are here! Players must navigate through the scenarios carefully, making decisions that could mean the difference between life and death
  • Share your room code with your friends, or start the game by yourself.
  • Accept the scenario. In my example, “You suddenly realize that you can’t stop running.” Let’s try to escape!
  • Write your answer, and don’t forget to be creative. That’s the fun part. My answer was, “To escape “The Endless Run,” find and activate scattered ancient runes throughout the labyrinth to disrupt the enchantment and regain control. Here is the result:
Explore Death by AI, where every decision counts. Test your skills in over 50 thrilling survival scenarios with up to 10 friends. Details are here! Each scenario presents a unique set of obstacles and dangers, requiring players to strategize and collaborate in order to overcome them

With over 50 free survival scenarios to choose from, the fun never has to end! Explore different challenges, test your skills, and see how long you can survive in the world of Death by AI.

Between rounds, hang out with your friends in the game’s lobby. Share stories, strategize for the next round, or just relax and enjoy the company.

Now that you know how to play Death by AI by AI, gather your friends, get ready for an unforgettable adventure, and see if you have what it takes to survive in the AI-controlled world!