Do you want to clear out clutter and make some extra money? You can host a successful garage sale with today’s garage sale tips!
A garage sale is a great way to clear out things you don’t need and make extra money at the same time. Whether you have furniture, clothes, toys, dishes, accessories, or household items, there are always people looking for good deals.
But, to have a successful garage sale, it takes more than just putting your stuff outside. You need a plan to make sure people know about your sale, that items are easy to find and priced right, and that shoppers have a good experience. This guide will walk you through all the steps to make your garage sale a hit!
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Below are my garage sale tips (of course, this applies to yard sales too!).
1. Start with a plan and decide what you want to sellThe most enjoyable (or stressful) part of hosting a successful garage sale is figuring out what you want to get rid of. Before the sale, list the items you want to sell and categorize them. This will make garage sale day a lot easier when organizing the setup and pricing.
You may also want to plan where you will set up your items in the driveway so that they’re easily visible and accessible to people passing by.
Also, think about when you will have your yard sale. Weekends typically do much better than weekdays, and Saturday is usually better than Friday. If you have the time, you may want to have your garage sale on both Saturday and Sunday so that you can sell as much stuff as possible.
2. Advertise your garage saleA successful garage sale depends almost entirely on the number of people who attend.
Marketing and getting the word out about your garage sale are important things to do because of that. You can post on your local neighborhood Facebook groups, Craigslist, and community boards that you’re having a garage sale. It also doesn’t hurt to put up neon flyers around town with balloons (if allowed) displaying the date and time of your sale. You may even be able to place an advertisement in your local newspaper (although, you’ll want to weigh the cost to see if it’s worth it).
You may even want to host your garage sale when a big event, like a festival, is happening in your town, as that will bring more foot traffic to your garage sale. You can use that event to your advantage if you like. Also, choosing a day with good weather is important because most people don’t want to shop in your yard in the pouring rain (of course!).
Garage sales are known for having affordable items priced lower so they can move quickly.
For example, clothing may have sale prices of around $1-$5. Remember that the goal is to get rid of things, so you will want to price them to sell. If you need help determining what to price an item, err on pricing lower to make sure more items find a new home.
Some other tips for more sales include:
Many times, people don’t have enough stuff they need to get rid of, so they never have a garage sale. Ask your friends or family if they want to join your garage sale, which can help you manage it.
Recently, I was scrolling through my local neighborhood Facebook group when I saw a post from a neighbor planning a garage sale. They invited others to join in and set up a table on their lawn as well, which I thought was a really thoughtful idea. It made me realize how much more inviting and fun a garage sale can be when it’s a community event. Not only does it attract more shoppers, but it also creates a great opportunity for neighbors to connect and share the workload of setting up and managing their tables.
5. Display items neatlyHave you ever been to a garage sale where everything is in chaos, and items are on top of each other? This makes it incredibly hard to look through things, so you tend to glance over things quickly. Due to this, I recommend you make sure your garage sale is organized, with items laid out neatly.
For example, arranging items on tables or blankets can make them easier to look at. You can also group similar items together to help shoppers find what they’re looking for.
6. Have plenty of change and different payment optionsNow, I know it’s easiest to probably just accept cash only, and I completely understand that. Dealing with different payment options can take longer, and you also don’t want to get scammed or deal with tech difficulties.
But, one way to have a successful yard sale is to accept more than just cash.
You’ll make the most money at your garage sale when you have different payment methods and plenty of change. Have a sign clearly marked that you allow payments via Zelle and have change available if the person is paying in cash. A cash box or pouch can help you keep your money organized.
I highly recommend getting a fanny pack for money storage on the day of the yard sale so that you can have your money safely on you at all times. Here’s a bunch of different fanny packs that you may be interested in.
Before selling items, try cleaning them to make sure they’re in good condition. Minor repairs and cleanups can make items look more valuable and in good condition, which can help you earn more money.
One nice thing that you can do for potential buyers is to have an extension cord ready in case they want to test that something works, such as a blender or a fan.
Recommended reading: 15 Best Places To Sell Used Furniture For Cash
8. Be friendly and approachableGreeting customers warmly and with a smile is an easy way to increase sales and be approachable. People are more willing to ask questions about items and buy more things if you are nice.
9. Organize itemsCategorizing your items by type, such as clothing, kitchenware, electronics, toys, tools, etc., will make it easier for the shopper to find what they want.
I recommend that you use tables and racks for smaller items like books, kitchen gadgets, and home decor. Clothing racks are great for hanging clothes up. If you don’t have clothes racks, folding clothes and grouping them by size or type on tables is a nice thing to do.
If you have high-value items, you may want to create a featured section by highlighting special items (furniture, vintage pieces, antiques) that will catch the eye of shoppers. Of course, you’ll want to figure out a way to keep these safe so that no one steals them.
More quick organizational tips include:
Recommended reading: 17 Best Places To Sell Used Books For Cash
10. Have helpersA busy garage sale is your goal, but with that comes many people, so you’ll need more than just one set of hands at your garage sale.
An extra helper or two can help the garage sale run more smoothly, especially during busy periods. Family or friends can help watch over the sale, assist customers, and help get payments.
I’ve even heard of people “hiring” local neighbor kids to assist as garage sale helpers, which I think would be fun too.
Below are answers to common questions about running a successful garage sale.
What is the best-selling item at a garage sale?Some of the best-selling items attract buyers because they are much more affordable used than when bought brand new.
A list of the best-selling items at garage sales include:
There are many ways to make a garage sale successful, with the most important tip being planning and organizing. I recommend that you choose a date when people will most likely attend your sale (seems obvious, right?!), which is likely a weekend with good weather. Then, advertise your garage sale in Facebook groups and post flyers around town.
Also, clearly price items so people don’t have to ask you how much something costs. It’s all about making the process as simple as possible. If people have to ask how much something costs, that’s another step they have to take, and we want to make things as easy as possible.
What makes the most money at yard sales?The items that make the most money at yard sales are furniture, tools, electronics, and vintage/collectible items. Furniture pieces tend to sell for higher prices due to their practicality and value. Tools often go for a reasonable price because DIYers are looking for these reasonably priced items instead of buying new tools. Electronics such as gently used gaming consoles or kitchen gadgets attract buyers who want functional, high-quality devices.
What not to sell at a yard sale?While it’s pretty self-explanatory, do not sell damaged, broken items (unless marked and people are willing to pay for the item so they can fix it themselves). Personal items like used cosmetics, undergarments, or opened hygiene products are unsanitary and probably should not be sold.
Also, you’d do better selling high-value items, such as fine jewelry or high-end collectibles, elsewhere. These items should be saved for online platforms or specialty markets so that you can make more money. Not many people go to garage sales to look for expensive diamond necklaces.
How can I maximize my garage sale profit?To make the most money with your garage sale, I recommend that you focus on pricing, marketing, and organizing your garage sale properly. Price your items reasonably, but leave room for negotiation. Have bundle deals or discounts toward the end of the sale to encourage larger purchases (for example, you may sell a whole bag of kid’s clothing for $50).
Whatever doesn’t sell, you can try bringing a box of items to a thrift store to see if they may be interested in either buying it from you or accepting it as a donation. Some things may not sell, and you may have to, unfortunately, trash them.
What is the fastest way to organize a garage sale?The fastest way to organize a garage sale is to start by decluttering. Find items you want to get rid of right now and group them into categories like kitchenware, tools, toys, etc. As you gather items, immediately place price tags on them to save time later.
Best Garage Sale Tips – SummaryI hope you enjoyed my article on my best garage sale tips.
With these tips, you’re ready to have a garage sale that’s easy, fun, and helps you make extra money. The most important things are to plan ahead, price your items so they’ll sell, and keep everything neat so people want to shop. Make sure to let people know about your sale, keep things clean and organized, and be open to lowering prices.
A good garage sale can help you clear out stuff you don’t need and put extra cash in your pocket.
Have a successful garage sale!
What are your best garage sale tips?
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The post 10 Garage Sale Tips To Make Extra Money appeared first on Making Sense Of Cents.