The role of web-based solutions in modern payroll and HCM management
When it comes to running a business, managing payroll and Human Capital Management (HCM) has always been crucial. In recent times, online tools have transformed how companies handle these responsibili...
Phishing experts are upping their game to hunt for C-suite whales
Phishing attacks are nothing new. However, over the past few years, there’s been a sharp rise in one particular type: whaling phishing. While phishing traditionally casts a wide net, targeting any u...
Top trends reshaping the future of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Decentralized Finance is reshaping the world in front of our eyes and is emerging from the shadows of the crypto world to challenge the established banks and financial institutions that have ruled the...
Innovators of European startup ecosystem awarded at The Europas 2024
Founded by TechCrunch editor-at-large Mike Butcher, The Europas Tech Startup Awards has become synonymous with recognizing transformative innovation and entrepreneurial excellence.
Hosted during the d...
How Can AI-Assisted Support Agents Improve Customer Service?
AI-assisted support agents offer 24/7 customer service, reduce operational costs, and improve efficiency — transforming the way businesses engage with customers.How Can AI-Assisted Support Agent...
Top Strategies for Building Robust AI Code Generation Software
Enhance customer support with AI-driven solutionsIn the age of digital transformation, generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing customer service. By leveraging advanced machine learn...
AI Capabilities Changing the Way Businesses Compete
Enhance customer support with AI-driven solutionsIn the age of digital transformation, generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing customer service. By leveraging advanced machine learn...