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When a food influencer creates something new, it’s likely that the influencer will use more than one brand. Case in point: A recent recipe post (dill pickle chicken salad) from wellness food influencer @lainiecooks_ featured both Graza olive oil and Grillo pickles, with both brands tagged on Instagram in a paid partnership. Food influencers aren’t the only ones who combine brand partnerships...
In ad tech, nothing is ever straightforward – not even the perennial snafus. What seemed like a clear case of an ad tech vendor being shady is actually a lot more layered. The ad tech vendor in question is the Colossus supply-side platform owned by Digital Holdings Group.  According to ad transparency startup Adalytics, there were repeated instances of user IDs being misrepresented in its...
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts • Stitcher • Spotify As a platform, X (formerly Twitter) has seen better days. After Elon Musk took over back in 2022, the platform has fallen from grace with advertisers and creators alike, due to the reinstatement of previously banned accounts, an increase in bots and simultaneous decrease in brand safety. However, X hasn’t managed to scare away everyone....
The New Yorker has refocused its newsletter strategy in an effort to retain its cohort of 1.2 million paid subscribers and grow its audience beyond that — by sending fewer emails. Last August, The New Yorker began sending newsletters less frequently and giving paid subscribers early access to content in their inboxes. As a result, onsite page views and time spent from newsletter users has gone...
Amazon Advertising’s revenue neared $47 billion last year, up from 24% compared to 12 months earlier, with analysts suggesting its media earnings growth now outpaces Facebook and Google.  An eMarketer forecast maintains the e-commerce giant’s advertising revenue will top $67 billion by 2025, and earlier this week at Amazon Publisher Services’ summit, it revealed new features (it hopes) will...
El lunes, The Washington Post añadió audio generado por IA a sus tres boletines informativos, o newsletters, centrados en la política para ofrecer a los lectores la posibilidad de escuchar esos correos electrónicos. Solventum y PhRMA son los patrocinadores de lanzamiento de los boletines de esta semana, que también contendrán anuncios de audio generados por IA por primera vez. Cada edición del...
Esta historia fue reportada por primera vez en Modern Retail una publicación hermana de Digiday en Español. Algunas marcas están volviendo a incluir Pinterest en sus presupuestos publicitarios a medida que la red social intensifica su impulso de las compras en línea. “Pinterest está renaciendo”, afirma Jack Johnston, director de innovación social de Tinuiti. “Lo que estamos viendo en el...
The much-touted re-emergence of dealmaking in ad tech is slowly appearing, with much of the activity taking place between strategic players. The latest episode in this trend is Digital Content Next, a non-profit aimed at promoting the interests of online publishers, offloading its ad tech arm TRUSTX to Symitri following months of strategic deliberations. Symitri announced it has closed on...
Major game publishers’ flirtation with in-game ads has yet to blossom into a full romance in 2024 — but the question of advertising has become nearly impossible for them to avoid, as shown by Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson’s endorsement of the revenue stream during the company’s earnings call earlier this month. “Our expectation is that advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful...
Pour one out for the programmatic marketers. They’re having a tough go of it, and not just because of the third-party cookie’s on-again, off-again deprecation. There are the inventory quality issues raised by the recent controversies surrounding made-for-advertising sites, Forbes and Colossus. There’s the brewing measurement mess as third-party cookies eventually go away. And of course, there’...