WhatsApp has officially launched a new feature that transcribes voice messages into text for all users, following a year of testing. This update allows users to read the contents of voice messages without playing the audio, enhancing communication in situations where listening is impractical. The feature will roll out globally and is accessible to users on iOS and Android.
WhatsApp launches voice message transcription for all usersWith the transcription feature, WhatsApp processes voice messages on-device after the audio is downloaded, ensuring that transcription remains private. As noted in a recent blog post by Meta, the company aims to make connecting with friends and family more personal while recognizing that voice messages can, at times, be cumbersome to listen to, particularly in loud environments. This new capability allows users to catch important details without needing to stop what they are doing.
Currently, the automatic transcription supports only a limited number of languages, including English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian. Meta has stated that the feature’s global rollout should reach all users over the coming weeks. Users on iOS have broader support for multiple languages compared to their Android counterparts, with plans for ongoing expansion in language support.
With the transcription feature, WhatsApp processes voice messages on-device after the audio is downloaded (Image credit)The launch comes on the heels of a similar feature introduced by Apple for iMessage in iOS 17, which provides transcription for audio messages in various languages. While both platforms are incorporating this valuable functionality, it is still unclear if or how this will impact user preference between platforms.
To enable voice message transcription, users need to navigate to the WhatsApp settings, select “Chats,” and turn on the “Voice message transcripts” option. This feature is disabled by default to respect user preferences.
Featured image credit: Deeksha Pahariya/Unsplash