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How NFTs Are Transforming Web3 Banking?

DATE POSTED:May 28, 2024
Explore how NFTs are revolutionizing Web3 banking, offering secure and decentralized financial identity with ownership at its core.How NFTs Are Transforming Web3 Banking?How NFTs Are Transforming Web3 Banking?

The financial sector is experiencing a paradigm shift, driven by the integration of advanced technologies such as Web3 and NFTs. Swiss fintech firm Fiat24 exemplifies this transformation, leveraging these innovations to rebuild banking infrastructure. This article explores how Web3 development and NFT development are reshaping banking, focusing on Fiat24’s pioneering approach.

Understanding Web3 and NFT Development

To grasp the impact of Web3 and NFTs on banking, it’s crucial to understand these concepts:

Web3 Development: Web3 represents the next generation of the internet, characterized by decentralized networks. Unlike Web2, which relies on centralized servers and databases, Web3 operates on blockchain technology, promoting transparency, security, and user control. Web3 development involves creating applications (dApps) that run on decentralized networks, enabling peer-to-peer interactions without intermediaries.

NFT Development: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, which are fungible and identical in value, NFTs are distinct and hold individual value. NFT development involves creating, issuing, and managing these unique digital assets, which can represent anything from art and collectibles to real estate and digital identities.

Fiat24’s Innovative Approach

Fiat24 is at the forefront of integrating Web3 and NFT development into banking. The company uses ERC-721 tokens to represent clients’ on-chain identities and ERC-20 tokens for managing deposits, creating a fully decentralized banking system.

ERC-721: Transforming Digital Identity

ERC-721 tokens are the standard for NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Fiat24 employs these tokens to represent client identities on-chain, offering several advantages:

Digital Identities: Each client is issued an NFT, which serves as their unique digital identity within the Fiat24 ecosystem. This NFT not only identifies the client but also provides legal proof of ownership.
Security and Access: The NFT acts as an access key to the client’s account. Holding the NFT in a connected wallet allows clients to log in and manage their accounts securely.
Enhanced Functionality: These NFTs hold all necessary logic for performing banking activities. This includes opening a Swiss IBAN account, where the last digits correspond to the NFT number.
By using NFTs for identity verification, Fiat24 ensures a high level of security and transparency, addressing many challenges associated with traditional banking systems.

ERC-20: Streamlining Payments

ERC-20 tokens are widely used in cryptocurrency for creating smart contracts and managing transactions. Fiat24 uses ERC-20 tokens to represent customer account balances, providing several key benefits:

Efficient Transactions: ERC-20 tokens enable faster and more precise transactions compared to traditional payment networks like SWIFT and SEPA. The use of blockchain technology ensures that transactions are processed quickly and accurately.
Cost Reduction: The decentralized nature of blockchain reduces the need for intermediaries, cutting down on transaction costs. This is particularly beneficial for cross-border and peer-to-peer transactions.
Programmability: ERC-20 tokens support automated financial processes, such as conditional payments and lending, through smart contracts. This eliminates the need for traditional banks as intermediaries, streamlining financial operations.

The Power of Combining ERC-721 and ERC-20

Fiat24’s innovative approach combines the strengths of both ERC-721 and ERC-20 tokens, creating a comprehensive decentralized banking system. This integration allows the company to replicate all traditional banking functions on a blockchain, enhancing efficiency and security.

On-Chain Identity Verification: Using ERC-721 tokens for identity verification ensures that clients are accurately identified and their identities are securely managed.

Transaction Management: ERC-20 tokens handle all transaction-related activities, from deposits to payments, ensuring a seamless and efficient banking experience.

By leveraging these technologies, Fiat24 is not only modernizing banking but also setting a new standard for the industry.

Real-World Applications and Benefits

The integration of Web3 development and NFT development into banking offers numerous real-world applications and benefits:

Financial Inclusion
One of the most significant advantages of Web3 and NFT development is the potential for financial inclusion. Traditional banking systems often exclude individuals without access to bank accounts or credit history. With blockchain technology, anyone with a smartphone and internet access can participate in the global economy. Fiat24’s approach ensures that unbanked and underbanked populations can access financial services, driving economic growth and reducing poverty.

Enhanced Security and Transparency
Blockchain technology inherently provides a high level of security and transparency. Every transaction is recorded on a public ledger, which can be viewed and verified by all participants. By reducing the risk of fraud, this strengthens trust in the financial system. For Fiat24, the use of NFTs for identity verification and ERC-20 tokens for transactions ensures that clients’ data and assets are secure.

Cost Efficiency
By eliminating intermediaries, blockchain reduces transaction costs. This is particularly beneficial for cross-border payments, which are often burdened with high fees. Fiat24’s use of ERC-20 tokens for managing deposits and transactions ensures cost efficiency, making financial services more affordable.

Speed and Efficiency
Traditional banking transactions, especially international ones, can take several days to process. Blockchain technology enables near-instantaneous transactions, significantly improving the efficiency of financial operations. Fiat24’s use of blockchain ensures that clients can manage their accounts and perform transactions quickly and efficiently.

Programmable Money
The programmability of blockchain tokens allows for innovative financial products and services. Smart contracts can automate complex financial processes, such as conditional payments and lending. This reduces the need for manual intervention and enhances the overall efficiency of financial operations. Fiat24’s integration of smart contracts enables automated financial processes, providing clients with advanced banking services.

Challenges and Considerations

While the integration of Web3 development and NFT development into banking offers numerous benefits, it is not without challenges:

Regulatory Hurdles
The legal framework surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrencies remains under development. Different countries have different approaches, ranging from outright bans to active promotion. Achieving a standardized regulatory framework that facilitates cross-border blockchain payments is a significant challenge. Fiat24 and other fintech companies must navigate these regulatory complexities to ensure compliance and foster adoption.

Blockchain networks need to handle a large volume of transactions to be viable for global payments. While Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced scalability issues, newer blockchain platforms like Solana and Polkadot are working on solutions to handle more transactions per second. Fiat24’s use of Ethereum layer 2 Arbitrum addresses some of these scalability concerns, but ongoing innovation is necessary to ensure long-term viability.

For blockchain to become the backbone of global payments, different blockchain networks must be able to interact with each other seamlessly. Projects like Cosmos and Polkadot are focusing on creating interoperability solutions, but widespread adoption is still in progress. Fiat24’s ability to connect with traditional payment networks like SWIFT and SEPA is a step in the right direction, but further advancements are needed.

User Adoption and Education
For blockchain to be successful, users must trust and understand the technology. This requires significant efforts in education and user-friendly interfaces. The complex nature of blockchain and cryptocurrencies can be a barrier to entry for many people. Fiat24 and other fintech companies must invest in user education and create intuitive platforms to drive adoption.

The Future of Web3 Development and NFT Development in Banking
As blockchain technology matures, its impact on banking is likely to grow. Here are some trends to watch:

Integration with Existing Systems

Rather than replacing existing financial systems, blockchain is likely to integrate with them, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Financial institutions are increasingly exploring hybrid models that combine traditional systems with blockchain technology. Fiat24’s integration with traditional payment networks exemplifies this trend, demonstrating how blockchain can enhance existing financial infrastructure.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
Many central banks are exploring the issuance of digital currencies using blockchain technology. CBDCs can facilitate faster and more efficient cross-border payments while maintaining regulatory oversight. China’s digital yuan and the European Central Bank’s exploration of a digital euro are notable examples. The adoption of CBDCs could drive further integration of blockchain into mainstream banking.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
DeFi platforms, which operate on blockchain technology, are creating new ways to transfer and manage money globally. These platforms offer services like lending, borrowing, and trading without traditional intermediaries. As DeFi grows, it could play a significant role in the future of banking. Fiat24’s use of smart contracts and decentralized networks aligns with the principles of DeFi, positioning the company as a leader in this space.

Interoperable Blockchain Networks
Efforts to create interoperable blockchain networks will likely accelerate, enabling seamless transactions across different blockchain platforms. This interoperability is crucial for blockchain to realize its full potential in banking. Fiat24’s connection with multiple payment networks highlights the importance of interoperability in driving adoption.


Web3 development and NFT development are revolutionizing the banking sector, offering enhanced security, efficiency, and inclusivity. Fiat24’s innovative use of ERC-721 and ERC-20 tokens demonstrates how these technologies can transform traditional banking systems. By leveraging the power of blockchain, Fiat24 is setting a new standard for financial services, paving the way for a more decentralized and efficient future.

As the technology continues to evolve, the integration of Web3 and NFTs into banking is likely to become more widespread. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of decentralized, blockchain-based financial systems are too significant to ignore. The future of banking is digital, decentralized, and powered by Web3 and NFT development.

How NFTs Are Transforming Web3 Banking? was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.