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Is MEME Hype Dead? BEFE Coin Says Otherwise

Tags: new
DATE POSTED:April 17, 2024

BEFE Coin lights a new fire in meme cryptocurrency, blending humor with profitable possibilities. This fame is rising, being led by the hand right up to where the future is for the crypto-curious and savvy investor. Far beyond being memes, this token is a serious financial instrument with a naughty edge. Wanna cash in the crypto world? Let’s explore the BEFE scapes.

What is BEFE?

BEFE Coin will take meme coins to an all-new level and change the game in the already over-saturated market. The coin will challenge those who ever attempted to lead with their doggy or frog-themed coins. BEFE is well-placed to become the “ultimate meme king”. Unlike derivative coins that flood the market, BEFE is differently positioned with identity and through leveraging the most iconic memes in the world to an extent that has very broadly attracted a large audience.

Launched with a fair and transparent model, BEFE had no presale. Zero tax imposition makes it highly accessible and straightforward for investors. This, in turn, simplicity coupled with lucrative potential, aids holders to earn more BEFE through staking BRISE, enhancing its luring as the ‘coin for the people.’ BEFE can currently be traded across different networks via the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum chains with active pairs in popular decentralized exchanges like PancakeSwap and Uniswap.

Importantly, the distribution of the tokens was very fairly done, with the entire circulating supply being distributed in a fair launch on liquidity pools. Trading activity of BEFE is very strong at $300,110 daily volume, given the volatility that is currently being experienced in the markets. Price performance is quite resilient, and this reflects growth potential, given that current prices have risen significantly from their all-time low, which was recorded five months ago.

In view of the foregoing, BEFE highlights strong market significance, with a fully diluted valuation standing at $18,772,233. Meme coins and tokens often hold value as the most fun and lighthearted entry point, attracting new entrants into the crypto space for the first time. If there is one, this certainly seems to be the case with BEFE, as depicted by a strong following on platforms such as Telegram and Twitter.

How is BEFE Performing?

Over the last month, BEFE Coin has had a very dynamic value with great price performance. March 18th observed a price of $0.00048168, whereas BEFE reached its price peak on the 25th of March when one coin was equal to $0.00065322. This compares with 35.6% up since the start of the period under review. Impressively, on the 24th of March, the trading volume reached a peak of 1,722,236 dollars, an indicator of more interest from the investors and confidence in the company.

Despite some fluctuations, the coin’s price demonstrated resilience and a ubiquitous positive trend. As of the latest available, April 17th, the price had settled at $0.00018999, indicating corrections by the market following huge variations. 

End Call

BEFE maintained pretty much its strong trading activity over the last month, considering an average daily volume of $400,000, ultimately representing positive returns from memecoin investments.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored press release. Please do your research before buying any cryptocurrency or investing in any projects. Read the full disclosure here.

The post Is MEME Hype Dead? BEFE Coin Says Otherwise appeared first on The Merkle News.

Tags: new