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New Siri AI features make it finally smarter

Tags: apple new
DATE POSTED:June 11, 2024
New Siri AI features make it finally smarter

Apple has introduced exciting new Siri AI features, alongside other improvements, at WWDC 2024. Yes, it is smarter now!

Imagine asking Siri to retrieve specific details from your emails, locate and extract information from photos, or seamlessly maintain the context of a conversation across multiple requests. With the integration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Siri can now provide detailed recipe advice or sophisticated responses to complex questions.

New Apple Siri AI features unveiled at WWDC 2024 are here! From improved speech to integration with ChatGPT. Also, there is a new Siri logo!New Siri AI features include enhanced speech understanding New Siri AI features you need to learn

Apple has significantly enhanced Siri with several AI-powered features, improving its functionality, responsiveness, and overall user experience with these new Siri AI features:

Improved speech understanding
  • Handling stumbled words: Siri’s AI algorithms have been enhanced to better understand users even when they stumble over their words. This means Siri can now process incomplete or mispronounced commands more accurately, making interactions smoother and reducing the need for repeated commands.
  • Contextual awareness: Siri can maintain the context of a conversation. For example, if you ask for the weather in a specific location and then follow up with a request to schedule an event at that location, Siri uses AI to understand the context and link the two requests seamlessly.

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Integration with Apple Intelligence
  • In-app actions: The AI-driven Apple Intelligence system allows Siri to perform complex actions within apps on your behalf. Examples include:
    • Retrieving information from emails: If you ask Siri to check when your mom’s flight is landing, it can scan your emails for flight details and provide the information.
    • Extracting data from images: Siri can locate a photo of your driver’s license on your device, extract the necessary information, and use it to fill out forms or provide details as needed.
    • On-screen awareness: Siri’s AI can now understand and act on content displayed on your screen. For instance, if someone sends you a new address via message, Siri can recognize this and automatically update the contact card with the new information.
New Apple Siri AI features unveiled at WWDC 2024 are here! From improved speech to integration with ChatGPT. Also, there is a new Siri logo!With the integration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, New Siri AI features can provide more detailed and sophisticated responses  Integration with OpenAI’s ChatGPT
  • Expertise on demand: Siri now has the ability to access ChatGPT‘s vast knowledge base, although Elon Musk is mad about it, for more detailed and sophisticated responses. For example, when you ask for recipe advice, Siri can utilize ChatGPT to provide comprehensive instructions and tips.
  • User approval for ChatGPT use: Siri will seek user approval before accessing ChatGPT to complete a request.

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Enhanced user interaction
  • Descriptive requests: AI enables Siri to understand and process descriptive requests. Instead of issuing specific commands, users can describe the app or feature they wish to use, and Siri will fetch the relevant information. For example, saying, “Show me my weekend weather forecast in the weather app” will prompt Siri to open the app and display the requested information.
New Apple Siri AI features unveiled at WWDC 2024 are here! From improved speech to integration with ChatGPT. Also, there is a new Siri logo!New Siri AI features offer contextual awareness, enabling Siri to maintain conversation context for seamless interactions What’s more?

These AI-driven enhancements make Siri more powerful, intuitive, and capable of performing a broader range of tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency. However, AI is not the only improvement for Siri. In addition to the powerful AI-driven enhancements, Apple has introduced several other improvements, including:

  • Glowing multi-colored border: Siri now features a new, eye-catching glowing multi-colored border that appears on the screen when Siri is active. This design update makes it more visually apparent when Siri is listening to and processing your commands.
New Apple Siri AI features unveiled at WWDC 2024 are here! From improved speech to integration with ChatGPT. Also, there is a new Siri logo!New Siri AI features introduce on-screen awareness, allowing Siri to understand and act on displayed content
  • Back-to-back requests: Siri now supports back-to-back requests without needing to say “Siri” again. This means users can give a command and follow up with another one immediately after the first command is executed, enhancing the flow of interactions.
  • Easy access: Users can now type their questions and requests to Siri by double-tapping the bottom of the screen.

It’s good to know that Siri processes your requests on-device, ensuring that your data stays private and secure. None of your interactions are associated with your Apple ID or shared with advertisers.

While AI enhancements make Siri more powerful and capable, the non-AI improvements also play a crucial role in enhancing the overall user experience.

Plus, a new Siri logo has arrived

There’s a new Siri logo in town, giving the virtual assistant a modern makeover.

New Apple Siri AI features unveiled at WWDC 2024 are here! From improved speech to integration with ChatGPT. Also, there is a new Siri logo!With New Siri AI features, users experience a smarter, more capable virtual assistant for their everyday tasks

This updated logo reflects the advanced abilities and easy-to-use features of the new Siri AI. It’s a fresh look for a smarter Siri experience.

All images are taken from the Apple WWDC 2024 event

Tags: apple new