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No More Room in Hell 2 – tips and tricks to get you started and keep you safe from the zombie apocalypse

DATE POSTED:October 23, 2024
No More Room In Hell 2 artwork

Creepy eight-player Walking Dead ‘em-up No More Room in Hell 2 is here in early access, and despite fairly mid reviews at best, the player count is steadily rising, suggesting you shouldn’t always believe what reviewers tell you – unless it’s us, in which case, we are spot on.

Anyway, getting started in NMRiH2 (as it will now be known because it is too much of a mouthful) is not the easiest. This is a tough game, and rather than just getting obliterated and, giving up and uninstalling, here are some tips to help you find your feet a bit quicker.

No More Room in Hell 2 tips and tricks

From our first few hours in the game, here are some great pointers to get you up and running and give you half a chance.

Shove the undead

Zombies are stupid but relentless – let’s face it we all know people like that, and shoving them away as they stagger towards you is a great way of getting some breathing space so you can off some more deadly attacks.

The right mouse button (or F if need be) will propel their disgusting flesh backward and if you time it as they are starting to attack it is super effective at disrupting them before they get any damage in.

Red eyes spell danger

As you progress you will start to notice some zombies have piercing red eyes and are covered in lots of blood that suggests, correctly that these are a little more alpha than the other cannon fodder you will be dealing with. You will need to headshot these increased-damage mofos to get them off your tail, something you will want to do quickly before they become too much of an issue.

Sprint like a legend

For some reason, and we assume that reason is a bug, sprinting does not currently consume your stamina – why would it? No, that is reserved for attacks and defense. So that means you can run away to get some space between you if things start getting on the heavy side.

No More Room In Hell 2 artwork

Save your ammo

Ammunition is far from plentiful and you will need it for the end battle so avoid pointless fights with every zomb you come across. They are mainly stupid so you can sneak past a lot of them, especially early doors.

If you find an ammo crate, save it until the end when everybody can benefit from it when they are running low.

When is a witch not a witch – when it’s in NMRiH2

Remember the Witch in Left for Dead – she was the stuff of absolute nightmares even all these years on. Well NMRiH2 has an equivalent that sort of does the same job, When you get close and they spot you (or at least you enter their AoE) they will scream which summons lots of other undead in your direction which is not a situation we want, or need to be in.

They generally look like the spindly hunched over old women wearing your granny’s nightdress. Belt them round the head immediately. The zombie obviously.

Threatening behavior

NMRiH2 has a threat system where each area has its own threat (to you and yours) and this steadily rises the longer your match goes on. So if you dawdle around checking everything out and completing objectives, the threat level will rise substantially towards the end of the match. We aren’t saying it’s best to be speedy, but more speed and less haste should always be in the back of your mind.

Limit the zombie routes

Once you are in the power station you will see buttons on the walls as you pass through. These are door controls and you can hit them to close doors to stop zombies flanking you. Every door you close however could prevent human reinforcements from getting to you in time.

Keeping all the above in mind and keeping your squad together should help you get to the Power Station at least. From then on, it is in the lap of the God’s. Good luck with that bit.

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