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Subscribe: Apple Podcasts • Stitcher • Spotify WorkLife is proud to present season three of The Return, a podcast about the modern workforce, with this limited six-episode series focused on middle management.  Last season, we heard what it’s like for Gen Z to enter the workforce for the first time in a post-pandemic world. We highlighted themes like why values are so important to Gen...
TikTok’s looming ban is back on the front burner now that Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has weighed in. On Monday, McConnell added his voice in the call to ban TikTok in the U.S. unless ByteDance, its Chinese parent company, sells its stake. McConnell’s endorsement of the bill has fired up the news cycle again, throwing the TikTok ban into the spotlight. But largely, brands with active...
Long gone are the days when publishers could almost entirely rely on traffic referrals from social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Nine digital publishing execs that spoke with Digiday said they are investing in other social platforms like Instagram and TikTok to grow their reach. But the question remains if alternative platforms can actually make up the social referral deficit.  As...
This week, Google is hosting its annual event called Cloud Next, a three-day conference in Las Vegas during which the tech giant showcases all sorts of new cloud-related capabilities. It comes as a surprise to no one that plenty of the latest tools are powered by AI. During Google’s keynote presentation on Tuesday, the company announced numerous updates for everything from its AI models and...
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts • Stitcher • Spotify La economía de los creadores está a rebosar, ya que las marcas recurren a las estrellas de las redes sociales, grandes y pequeñas, con la esperanza de recrear el marketing de boca a boca en línea. De hecho, los clientes de las agencias y las marcas invirtieron más en marketing de influencers en 2023 que en 2022, según un estudio de...
El CEO de BuzzFeed, Jonah Peretti, publicó el lunes por la tarde su carta anual a los accionistas, en la que esboza su visión para convertir la emblemática publicación BuzzFeed en una empresa tecnológica y de medios de comunicación impulsada por la IA. El “giro hacia la IA” puede ser el nuevo “giro hacia el vídeo” de años atrás (que no fue una gran estrategia para la mayoría, por decirlo...
Como si se tratara de un gol de mitad de cancha LALIGA North America, el brazo que representa a la principal competencia del balompié de primera división española en Estados Unidos, ha sabido ganar terreno en el campo de juego aprovechando el apogeo del fútbol en el país. La llegada de Leo Messi a la MLS no representó para los estrategas de LALIGA en Nueva York ninguna mala racha para la...
As marketers attempt to balance privacy and performance, Snap and Snowflake are developing ways for advertisers to build privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) with Snowflake’s Marketing Data Cloud. By integrating Snap’s conversions API (CAPI) with Snowflake’s cloud data platform, advertisers will be able to securely share targeting and conversion data without hurting security or signals,...
01 Introduction Publishers are placing their bets on both traditional and alternative revenue streams in 2024 — even after a tumultuous 2023, when publishers’ revenues turned out to be less lucrative than expected and the media industry saw a seemingly endless cycle of layoffs. Despite those challenges, direct-sold display ads remained a top revenue driver for publishers throughout 2023...
Marketers are looking to mitigate potential risks of influencer marketing by working with more brand ambassadors this year.  Some see it as a lingering ripple effect of the Bud Light uproar — it’s just over a year after the backlash for the beer brand hit a fever pitch and marketers remain fearful of the potential damage a boycott to an influencer partnership can do to their brands. At the...