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This year’s Digiday Media Awards winners celebrate new technologies and the power of partnerships throughout their digital media campaigns. Themes across 2024’s winners include leaning into a surge in short-form video content as consumption for the format increases, implementing more interactive storytelling and tech like VR and AR, as well as harnessing collaborations for impactful and...
The website that aimed to replace travel agents is now also an ad network. Expedia has become the latest U.S. company to launch a retail media business, promising at a travel industry conference in Las Vegas to build “the world’s leading travel media network.” Marketers hoping to use retailer-held first-party data to target key audiences aren’t exactly spoiled for choice these days. But,...
In recent contract negotiations with parent company Gannett, a local newsroom union is fighting over the extent to which generative AI will be used for news content generation. As media organizations adopt more generative AI capabilities with the aim of improving the efficiency of content production and certain business functions like sales, unions see themselves on the frontlines of upholding...
As influencer marketing continues to mature and marketers increase ad budgets for this category, there’s more effort than ever to keep tabs on the competition, according to four marketers who told Digiday they’re more focused on competitors’ influencer marketing strategies this year. During the third quarter of 2023, influencer marketing shop Obviously started to spend more time talking to...
Creating an ad that will get noticed is a basic tenet of advertising. If marketers are going to shell out significant ad dollars for campaigns, they’re doing so with the hope of capturing consumer attention and moving the needle in whatever way will benefit the brand. But what happens if that provocative campaign has the opposite of its intended effect?  On Monday, dating app Bumble was the...
As Roblox evolves from a gaming hub to a full-service digital platform, the company’s leaders have made it clear that every step of this transformation is a calculated move. The eventual goal: to make Roblox a destination for all aspects of virtual life — and to turn a profit in the process. The past month has seen a series of historic firsts for Roblox users, from the late April announcement...
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts • Stitcher • Spotify Formed in 2020 after TPG bought from DAZN, FootballCo has been steadily growing an international audience of soccer fans across its portfolio of nine brands. But this year, FootballCo is making a concerted effort to appeal to the burgeoning fandom of U.S.-based soccer enthusiasts under the leadership of Jason Wagenheim, CEO,...
Talent management in gaming and esports has become a big business, yet it remains a veritable Wild West, with bad actors and conflicts of interest galore. Veterans of the space believe it still has a long way to go if it wants to become truly equitable for all involved. Like many businesses in the space, gaming and esports talent managers flourished following the COVID-19-sparked boom in...
Right-wing political groups are making a habit of targeting corporate shareholders in efforts to roll back environmental and social initiatives in the private sector. At Disney’s annual general meeting (AGM) in April, for example, shareholders were asked to vote on proposals questioning its political donations as well as whether its corporate health insurance should cover gender-affirming...
There’s no official start to the TV and streaming advertising upfront marketplace (there’s not necessarily an end either). But this week’s presentations by major TV networks and streaming services serve as the unofficial kickoff to the annual haggling cycle. And this year’s cycle is likely to be a long one – and potentially a bit of an adjustment to how buyers and sellers do business in the...