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Search engines continue to evolve, but SEO strategies have failed to keep up. For years, we have relied on keyword research to choose specific searches to target. However, keyword research often prioritizes the wrong goals. Executed well, keyword research helps you craft a balanced keyword strategy for your target market and personas. It prioritizes keywords that attract traffic that...
Incrementality testing in digital advertising measures the true impact of ad campaigns by comparing the behavior of users exposed to ads versus those who were not. This helps you understand whether your ads are actually driving additional conversions or if those conversions would have occurred anyway.  From analytics companies to previously undervalued prospecting campaigns,...
Google has fixed the issues with the link report within Google Search Console. Last week, we reported a bug with that link report that Google was investigating. As of early this morning, the bug seemed to have been resolved, and the link counts in that tool seem to be back to where they were. What happened. Last week, many SEOs noticed the link report showing a fraction of their reported...
Microsoft is expanding its advertising toolkit, now supporting Video and Connected TV (CTV) ads in its Advertising Editor. They are also including Netflix in its CTV network across 10 countries. Why we care. This move allows advertisers to manage video campaigns in bulk, streamlining the process of reaching audiences across highly engaged audiences watching Netflix’s award-winning content,...
Microsoft is broadening its AI-driven advertising tools, now offering generative AI capabilities for creating display ad banners through its Copilot feature. Why we care. This expansion makes Microsoft Advertising’s AI assistant even more versatile, automating asset creation across nearly all ad types and saving marketers significant time. What’s new: Generative AI now creates banner...
Microsoft is notifying all advertisers that their Smart Shopping campaigns will soon be upgraded to Performance Max, a transition set to occur in the coming months. Why we care. This mandatory shift marks Microsoft’s push toward its more advanced, AI-driven ad format, potentially impacting many ecommerce advertisers. What’s new: All Smart Shopping campaigns moving to Performance Max...
Achieving a higher ranking in search engine results is a common goal for website owners and SEO marketers. However, while it’s easy to talk about, it’s much harder to accomplish – especially when it comes to link building. According to Conductor, 41% of SEO specialists consider it the hardest aspect of site optimization. As the market becomes more competitive and users grow more...
Instagram is experimenting with a new ad format that prevents users from scrolling until they view a video ad in their main feed. Why it matters. The move could significantly boost ad exposure for brands but risks alienating users who find forced viewing intrusive. How it works. New in-feed ads display with a timer. Users can’t scroll past until timer runs down. Essentially “un-...
We thought Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative, which started in 2016, was completed last October. But it won’t really be fully done until after July 5. “The small set of sites we’ve still been crawling with desktop Googlebot will be crawled with mobile Googlebot after July 5, 2024,” John Mueller from Google wrote on the Google blog. Mueller explained: “The largest part of the...
Redirects are a way of moving a webpage visitor from an old address to a new one without further action from them. Each webpage has a unique reference, a URL, to enable browsers to request the correct information be returned. If a browser requests a page that has a redirect on it, it will be instructed to go to a different address. This means that the content on the original page is no longer...